DYMAT Publications

This database contains a comprehensive collection of all DYMAT publications from conferences, technical meetings and seminars since 1985.

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– "Thesis 2015" shows all PhD theses from 2015.
– "Conference 2021" shows all contributions of the 2021 DYMAT Conference.
– "Webinar" shows all webinars.
– "Ganzenmüller Technical" shows all contributions of Ganzenmüller at Technical Meetings.

Year Title Author Type Link
2023 27th DYMAT Technical Meeting 2023 Dynamic behaviour of soft and low density materials Yael Demarty Technical Meeting Link
2022 Determining the Reaction Zone Length in Shock Initiated PETN James Edgeley Thesis Link
2022 Influence of curing conditions on the dynamic behavior of SLA-printed specimens M.R. Khosravani, T. Reinicke Technical Meeting Link
2022 Experimental characterization of 3D printed nylon-carbon at different strain-rates Peroni L., Scapin M., Ciardiello R., Tridello A., Morena A. Technical Meeting Link
2022 Dynamic compression behaviour of TPMS structures enabled via Additive Manufacturing Utzeri M., Scapin M., Sasso M., Peroni L. Technical Meeting Link
2022 Dynamic behaviour of additively manufactured PA12 subjected to combined tension – torsion loading Y. Xu, G. Quino, K.R. Ramakrishnan, A. Pellegrino Technical Meeting Link
2022 On the strain-rate dependent design of 3D printed mouthguards M. Lißner, D. Townsend, N. Petrinic, J. Bergmann Technical Meeting Link
2022 Shockwave localization in additively-manufactured polymer structures D.M. Dattelbaum, L. Kuettner, B. Patterson, R. Huber, A. Ionita, Z. Wang, C. Campbell, T. Natan, B. MacNider Technical Meeting Link
2022 Transferable Parameter Optimisation Strategy for Dynamic Interlaminar Interfaces Y. Song, H. Liu, Z. Xu, N. Petrinic, M. Lißner Technical Meeting Link
2022 Towards Programming the Strain Rate Dependency into Mechanical Metamaterials S. Patil, G.C. Ganzenmüller, F. Gutmann, K. Hoschke, S. Hiermaier Technical Meeting Link
2022 Finite element modeling concepts for the dynamic compression response of additively manufactured lattices structures K. Kappe, A. Pfaff, M. Jäcklein, K. Hoschke Technical Meeting Link
2022 Numerical modelling of auxetic lattices subjected to dynamic compression in SHPB P. Koudelka, T. Fíla, R. Dvořák, M. Neuhäuserová, J. Falta, J. Šleichrt, P. Zlámal, O. Jiroušek Technical Meeting Link
2022 Design of a simplified cranial substitute and Modal Analysis N. Elster, J. Boutillier, N. Bourdet, P. Magnan, P. Naz, R. Willinger, C. Deck Technical Meeting Link
2022 Split Hopkinson pressure bar experiments on additive manufactured lattice structures with different volume fractions S. Bieler, K. Weinberg Technical Meeting Link
2022 Dynamic behaviour of additively manufactured mathematical lattice structures: effects of topology, wall thickness and material G. Gour, W. Garson, D. Townsend, F. Adziman, A. Pellegrino Technical Meeting Link
2022 Impact-dynamic behaviour of Ti6Al4V metal lattice structures P. Verleysen, L. Corallo, A. Cutolo, B. Van Hooreweder Technical Meeting Link
2022 316L architected materials made by LMD-P and SLM : comparative study of manufacturing and mechanical behavior C.Buros, P.Viot, J.Lartigau Technical Meeting Link
2022 Modelling and optimization of triply periodic minimal surfaces lattices subjected to high strain-rate compression R. Santiago, A.R. Aziz, H. Ramos, S. AlMahri, O. Banabila, H. Alabdouli, D. Lee, Z. Guan Technical Meeting Link
2022 Plastic and fracture behavior of SLM made stainless steel 316L with application to crushing of shell-lattices X. Li, C.C. Roth, T. Tancogne-Dejean, D. Mohr Technical Meeting Link
2022 Mechanical performance of Ti-6Al-4V lattice metamaterials under dynamic loading R. Sancho, I. Chichón-Romeo, C.L. Garrido, D. Barba, F. Gálvez Technical Meeting Link
2022 Energy absorption of the additively manufactured AlSi10Mg aluminum structures subjected to a blast wave M. Stanczak, T. Fras, L. Blanc, P. Pawlowski, A. Rusinek Technical Meeting Link
2022 Evaluation of additively manufactured structure under dynamic condition M. Uhlík, A. Prantl, M. Rund, D. Melzer, M. Brázda, O. Lukáš Technical Meeting Link
2022 Mechanical response of architectured materials under dynamic loadings P. Jabin Echeveste, P. Viot, A. Lamikiz Mentxaka, L. Le Barbenchon Technical Meeting Link
2022 Open Hopkinson Bar as a Method for Impact Testing of Additively Manufactured Cellular Metamaterials T. Fíla, J. Falta, P. Zlámal, P. Koudelka, J. Šleichrt, M. Neuhäuserová, V. Rada, O. Jiroušek Technical Meeting Link
2022 Vanishing auxetic behaviour for metal lattice structures at impact rates of strain G.C. Ganzenmüller, A. Roth, P. Jakkula, F. Gutmann, A. Pfaff, D. Eakins, D. Chapman, B. Lukic, A. Rack, S. Hiermaier Technical Meeting Link
2022 Defect analysis of 3D printed Al-Mg-Sc alloy using ultra high-speed X-ray phase contrast imaging P. Jakkula, A. Cohen, B. Lukić, D. Levi-Hevroni, A. Rack, G.C. Ganzenmüller, S. Hiermaier Technical Meeting Link
2022 High strain rate of conventional and laser melting maraging 300 steels Nozères F, Bailly P., Limido J., Couque H. Technical Meeting Link
2022 Additively manufactured Ni-based Inconel 718 alloy behaviour under harsh conditions of strain-rate and temperature D. Forni, F. Mazzucato, A. Valente, E. Cadoni Technical Meeting Link
2022 Comparison of Dynamic Properties of AM and Wrought Titanium Ti 6Al 4V P. Church, J. Perry, H. Price Technical Meeting Link
2022 Dynamic Tensile Behaviour and Adiabatic Heating of Wrought and Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V G.C. Soares, K. Kakko, M. Hokka Technical Meeting Link